Bus Bar Material Comparison


Compare Bus Bar Material Properties to Ensure Your Selection Provides Optimal Performance & Service Life

When determining which type of material your application requires, you must consider various electrical and mechanical properties, including conductivity, strength, density, damage resistance and elasticity. Taking these properties into account will help to ensure optimal bus bar performance and a long service life.

Below is a bus bar material comparison chart, which recognizes the properties of typical copper and aluminum grades for use in bus bar manufacturing.

Property (20°C)Copper (C101)Aluminum (1350)
Electrical Conductivity (annealed)101 % IACS61 % IACS
Electrical Resistance (annealed)17.2 nΩ mm28.3  nΩ mm
Tensile Strength (annealed)200 – 250 N/mm²85 – 100 N/mm²
Thermal Conductivity397 W/m°K230 W/m°K
Elastic Modulus116 – 130 kN/mm²70 kN/mm²
Density8910 kg/m²2700 kg/m²
Melting Point1083°C660°C
Specific Heat385 J/kg °K900 J/kg °K

*Information provided by the Copper Development Association.

Get more information on copper bus bar vs aluminum, including qualitative differences (strength, ampacity, resistance, cost, etc.) and common misconceptions.

If you’re not sure whether you need copper bus bar or aluminum bus bar, just contact us online and we’ll get in touch with you shortly to discuss your application requirements.

Client Testimony

“After a series of bus bar suppliers continued to disappoint on everything from lead times and cost to customer service, we gave EMS a try. We couldn’t be happier. Joe’s customer service and response times are fantastic, lead times are clearly stated and precise.  Even if the cost were more, we would continue to do business with EMS because of the solid customer service and quality of the product. “
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